Board :Law
Author :Yulli
Subject :Clan & Subpath Law
Date :4/29

Theft will not be tolerated within Clan or Sub-path areas.  Anyone who picks up any item that is not theirs and fails to give it back, and or hides the item can be jailed for theft.  Do not pick up items off the ground in these areas that is not yours, you will be found and prosecuted.

The Primogen or Elder has the power to prosecute those that steal within their Clan or Sub-path area.  The only way that the Primogen can prosecute a thief is if the theft occurs in their Clan Hall or circle, not their garden or public Sub-path area.

Be aware that if you are a member of a Clan you are responsible for who you invite within the Clan Hall.  If you invite a friend in as a guest and they steal an item you can be punished and they will be jailed for Theft.

Within a Sub-path Circle, if you pick up an item on the ground that is not yours, and fail to give it back when asked you will be jailed.  The Elder reserves the right to remove any proven thief from the path at their discretion.

This law only applies to the private areas of the Clans and Sub-paths.  Public areas are subject to the normal kingdom laws.

The Justice Department reserves the right to jail any thief that is brought to them by the Primogen or Elder only.

Author: Yulli (Hyul 7)