Board :Guide
Author :Maiyu
Subject :/report Command
Date :7/17
<b> /report Command

/report Command is a way to contact any Immortal during an emergency.  This command is not to be used for trying to get in contact with a GM. If you wish to get in contact with KRU Int. please use the ticket system found on their webpage.

Please be aware that any Justice Administrator (Judge or Archon) can handle any door blocker or peasant abuser.  Please contact a Judge before trying to use this command.

/report Command is to be used for but not limited to, peasant abusers, door blockers, or general profanity.  /report Command can also be used if you are stuck in a wall and need to be moved.

If this Channel is abused, your character will be silenced. If further abuse is conducted, your character can end up in jail.

How to:

Type /report in your say command followed by your concern.

e.g. /report help I'm stuck in the wall!

Author: Yulli (Hyul 4)
Edit: Maiyu (Hyul 41)