Board :Dreams
Author :Astrael
Subject :Make 1-99 playable
Date :4/28

What are we waiting for on this?  We can fix this without harming the rest of the game.  It's going to look like most of these:

Remove the 10% TNL cap that breaks all of tangun.
Massively buff experience in all kingdom and mythic caves for atg1/2 parity.  Those caves are excellently designed, stop wasting them.  Make boss exp significant.  Make mythic drops more common.

Spell reqs:
Massively drop the quantity of requirements on certain spells to be more realistic for personal at-level gathering.  Components are for helping players determine where to hunt, not for wasting your time.

Replace all amber spell requirements with other items if you really can't trust unregs to hold them. (Why has this been going on for months?  Do you really not care?)

There's tons of cool <99 weapons and 99% of them are junk.  Make them usable so players have frequent accessible upgrades.

Unregs need to be allowed to hold nagnang and tall shields.
Make some more +hit gear available besides red rings.

Smooth the damage curve.  Furies need to be earlier.  Make invis scale on level or something.  Nobody wants to spend low levels with zap.  IMO rogue swing needs a broader mechanical overhaul, probably has to wait.  Maybe a baby version of DA with bad scaling but with base damage.

Needs an early scourge equivalent.  Recommending just scourge but with aethers.  Defense is worthless at low levels so poets have no purpose.  They need early damage contribution, even if indirect.  Give them naturally lower spell item reqs because they struggle to gather.  Give them a wind-dancer style damage-focused COTW.  Make endear slightly more reliable early on.

Make static less useless.  Make venom less useless.  More mana on weapons will allow more zap uptime.  Desperately needs a baby version of hellfire to teach that playstyle, but otherwise not missing too much.

Significantly bump exp rewards on e.g. star armour, nagnang path quests, shield quest, kingdom tutor quests, and wherever else works to allow smoother progression.

Don't force everyone to do important letter.  It's tedious and pointless.  Shrink its reward and raise starting karma accordingly.

Remove mana requirement from WS orb.  This produces a super uneven experience because paths can use it at radically different levels.  
Novice chat needs to last until 98.  Tutors need permanent access to novice chat, we're simply not going to bother to turn it on manually every login to listen to silence.

Overhaul the automatic wisdom messages to actually help users.

Don't bar greens from subpath areas.  Just provide good nuisance tools.

You can just do this stuff.  These aren't sweeping complicated design changes with far-reaching rammifications.  This is fixing basic issues that can be resolved quickly and easily.