Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Valravn
Subject : The Brine Begins to Blur
Date :11/20

 In the dim light of my hut, amidst the faint caws of ravens outside, I sit, perplexed and disturbed. I, Valravn, a neutral mudang, feel a strange fusion of identities within me. Ever since I replaced my eye with Brine's - the eye I "found" so conveniently - these visions have been haunting me, creeping into my reality like invasive vines.

Tonight's vision was more vivid than any before. I could smell the salty sea air and feel the swaying of the ship as if I were truly there. My heart raced with the adrenaline of confrontation, and the words I spoke were not my own, yet they came from my lips with conviction. The argument with Kaz, the pirate's pointed accusations, and the intense emotion I felt - it was all Brine's, yet for those moments, it was unmistakably mine.

As the vision fades, I find myself back in my hut, gripping the edge of my table to steady myself. My breathing is heavy, and my heart still beats with the residue of Brine's anger. It's disorienting, this blend of her memories and emotions with my consciousness. It's as if I am living two lives in one body, two spirits intertwined yet distinct.

I look down at my hands, expecting to see Brine's, but they are mine - Valravn's. The realization brings a temporary relief, yet a profound unease lingers. Who am I becoming? I'm a mudang, skilled in communing with spirits, but this... this is uncharted territory.

I close my eyes, trying to separate my thoughts from Brine's, but her presence is undeniable. It's as if her spirit, through her eye, is slowly seeping into mine, blurring the lines of our identities. Am I still the mudang I once was, or am I becoming something else, something intertwined with Brine's essence?

I stand up, pacing the room, my mind a whirlwind of confusion. The battle axe and the treasure chest from the vision linger in my thoughts - symbols of a life I've never lived, yet somehow feel intimately connected to. I fear losing myself in this fusion, yet a part of me is intrigued by the life Brine led, so different from my own.

I must find a balance, maintain my identity as Valravn while carrying this piece of Brine within me. I must learn to navigate these visions without losing sight of who I am. But the question remains, as I stare into the darkness of my hut, surrounded by the familiar yet now foreign objects of my life - who is Valravn now? And how much of Brine has become a part of me?

   - Valravn
     Neutral Mudang
     Hyul 142
     11th Moon