Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Supply
Subject :a letter from us to you
Date :11/29
We are Druids. Long ago, our journey led us to ancient Korea, seeking refuge from the turmoil that plagued our homeland. Here, amidst the towering forests and ancient mountains, we discovered a realm where the royal family reigns with unyielding authority.

From the moment of our arrival, we tread cautiously, wary of the unfamiliar customs and traditions of the Korean court. Yet, as time passed, we witnessed the strength and stability maintained by the royal family, understanding the vital role they play in upholding the kingdom's integrity.

Intrigued by the king's divine mandate, we delved into the intricacies of Korean politics and diplomacy, marveling at his skill in navigating alliances and preserving peace among neighboring realms. King Yuri's benevolence, in particular, left a lasting impression, welcoming us with open arms to these sacred lands.

Bound by a shared vision of harmony and prosperity, the Druids forged alliances with the royal court and the diverse subpaths of the kingdom. Together, we offered our unique insights and mystical knowledge, contributing to the greater good of our community.

Yet, as tensions rise and threats loom on the horizon, our alliance faces its greatest trials. With unwavering resolve, we stand united alongside the royal family and all the subpaths, confronting the challenges of war and diplomacy. Together, we protect the sacred lands, preserving the balance and harmony cherished by all.

My friends,  let us cast our gaze forward and envision a future where the restoration of nature reigns supreme. As the trees wither and the land suffers, trust is tested, loyalties waver, and love turns to hate. Our beloved Mother Earth bears the burden of our strife, her suffering echoing through the very fabric of our existence.

But in the face of adversity, let us not falter. Let us unite in our commitment to heal the wounds of our land and restore balance to our world. Together, we can nurture the seeds of hope and cultivate a future where the harmony between man and nature is once again revered.

Let us pledge ourselves to the cause of restoration, working hand in hand to revive the lush forests, rejuvenate the flowing rivers, and breathe life back into the soul of our land. For only through our collective efforts can we ensure a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.

Once more, on this Thursday night, we shall convene to offer our respects to the natural world and commemorate the recent presence of SeaNymph. Come join us at South Buya as we delve into the mysteries of nature and interpret the signs left by her visit. Together, let us seek guidance from the earth and pursue our collective aspirations with reverence and determination.

Druid Elder Supply
The Great Druid