Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :ProfessorOak
Subject :Deity Devotion
Date :12/6

Cernunnos - god of animals, forests, virility, hunting

Today I would like to worship the deity, Cernunnos. This Celtic God represents & shares very similar characteristics that I do. Nature, flora & fauna, & fertility.  He was the lord of the forest and symbolized strength, speed & virility. He was known as the god of hunters, like me I spend countless hours swinging from the trees, hiding, waiting, anticipating my next hunt or kill. Like himself he was a god of animals, so I never take a life of an animal unless I'm too benefit off of its nutrients. I always give back to the land, earth, and plants it remains so it can come back 10-fold.  Cerununnos was the ultimate predator, he would spend many days tracking his prey, eventually overtaking it on foot and kill it to provide for his family and community.
