Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Gummy
Subject :My fellow Buyans
Date :10/27
My esteemed people of Buya,

    In these dark times, our kingdom faces external aggression. Last night, as many of you may have already heard, a most unexpected and devastating event assailed our beloved city. The walls that safeguarded us?the very barriers that stood as a testament to our strength?have been breached. This attack on Buya has tested our defenses and the so-called leadership of our Queen. In moments like these, the true weakness of her capabilities is revealed. While Queen Lasahn's leadership has faltered and our army stands depleted, I promise you that our resilience knows no bounds. We will weather this storm and emerge stronger.

    It's no secret that the current regime has failed to adequately protect our kingdom. Under Queen Lasahn's rule, we have witnessed a decline in security and a lack of decisive action. Now more than ever, a change in leadership is not only necessary but imperative for the survival of Buya.

    To those who have joined me in rebellion against Queen Lasahn's regime, I extend my thanks. Together, we represent the beacon of hope for a brighter future?a future where the voices of the people are heard and the needs of our kingdom are prioritized above all else.

    As we confront this external threat, let us not forget the internal struggle as well. It's time to cast aside the shackles of complacency and rise against ineffective leadership. We will pave the way for a new era of prosperity and security, where every citizen of Buya can live without fear.

    In the days ahead, let us remain strong and unwavering in our commitment to each other. Together, we will reclaim our rightful place among the great kingdoms of our lands.

    In the dead of night, as Queen Lasahn slumbered safely in her chambers, the cacophony of destruction echoed through our streets. But where was our esteemed ruler during this hour of need? Did she rally her forces swiftly to defend our borders? No. Because she has lost her forces. They have abandoned her. She awoke, yes, but her response was sluggish and indecisive.

    Instead of leading from the front lines, Queen Lasahn skulked through the palace, spear in hand, as if she alone could ward off the demonic hordes. She wandered aimlessly, leaving our citizens to fend for themselves against the encroaching darkness. As dawn broke, the truth became clear: It was not Queen Lasahn who discovered the breach in our defenses. It was our brave souls who patrolled our borders?the ones who held Buya together in its darkest hours.

    And what of her promises to rid our kingdom of these demons and rebuild stronger than before? Words are cheap, my fellow citizens. Action is what we require. Yet, under Queen Lasahn's reign, our city stands vulnerable and exposed, a shadow of its former glory.

    Let us not be blinded by the empty rhetoric of our so-called ruler. The time for change is now. It's time for a leader who will not falter in the face of adversity but who will rise to meet it head-on. I aim to be that leader.

Leader of People's Uprising for Buyan Excellence