Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :CrewelLye
Subject :~:Demonic Views:~ Chapter 1
Date :10/26
Demonic Views

Chapter 1

How to Spot a Demon:

1.) Attacks in your Dreams

The enemy is after your peace. One of the ways he attacks is through sleep. Sexual dreams, eating in the dream, seeing death, or having a dead relative visit - all of these are examples of demonic activity infiltrating your sleep.

2.) Mental Oppression

You must understand that Demons intrude on the mind. The mind is the battlefield. The biggest challenge for mortals is understanding that those thoughts are NOT your own.

When you notice thoughts/emotions that are controlling, negative, and very persistent, you must declare war against them. Any thought of unforgiveness, loneliness, self-destruction, or sense of "I can't control it" are all clear indications, you might have company.

3.)Controlling Negative Emotions

Depression, anxiety, heaviness, rejection, resentment, unforgiveness, disappointment, loneliness, misery, depression, self-destruction, suicide are all potential signs of demonic activity and presence.

4.)An intense desire for defiled things

Demons eat a defiled diet. It's natural for them to crave what is unholy and impure. If you struggle with things like alcohol, drugs, or strong lustful thoughts, it might be an indicator something inside is causing you to crave that.

These demons mainly manifest in addictions or sins that people can?t stop falling into. This is usually followed by shame, feelings of hate, and an inability to forgive oneself.

5.) You can't tame your tongue

One of the ways you can tell you're filled with demons is an impure mouth. Oftentimes, a clear indicator is when someone has uncontrollable bursts of rage, they can't stop cursing, gossiping, or blaspheming.

6.) Chronic Illness

Constant, repeated sickness can be a sign of a demon.

7.) Compulsive Behavior

When you have constant and sudden urges of rage or hostility, this can also be a sign of demons.

8.) A compulsive desire to hurt the body.

It is important to note that any thought of self-harm or suicide is influenced by demons.

9.) Hearing Voices

Another clear indicator is if you are hearing voices - especially if they refer to themselves as "us" and not singular, or if speak in the third person.

10.) Paranormal Experiences

Lastly, any supernatural activity like the disappearance of objects, strange things moving in your home, or other strange manifestations can be clear evidence that demons are influencing your surroundings.